It also suggests that in the circumstance of china's fast growing air transportation industry, marginal cost pricing can he used in providing guidance to airport's reform of the slot allocation mechanism. 指出在中国航空运输业迅速发展的背景下,边际成本定价模式可以为改革现有机场起降时段分配机制提供一种指导思路。
It argues that charging policy, based on marginal cost pricing, is economically efficient, and facts show that relevant principles are more widely accepted by airport operators. 利用边际成本定价模式确定飞机所需交纳的起降费从经济学角度来说是富于效率的,并且相关的原则也为越来越多的机场所采纳。
The rule of marginal cost is not appropriate to pricing for firms in natural monopoly industries. 边际成本定价原则并不适合于自然垄断厂商。
Based on the concept of load-price elasticity, the principle of marginal cost pricing, and conditions of the deregulated retail electricity market, the model of spot pricing was deduced. 根据电力零售市场的特点,基于负荷价格响应的定义以及边际成本定价理论,推导出了考虑负荷价格响应的有功实时电价的表达式。
Marginal cost pricing principles 按边际成本订价的原则
In this case, the enterprises 'pricing is between the marginal cost pricing and the monopoly pricing. 这时,企业的定价介于垄断定价与边际成本定价之间。
Though pure marginal cost pricing method in economics can offer the useful economic information, the scale economic benefits of transmission network can ′ t make the transmission income based on marginal cost pricing satisfy the revenue reconciliation of transmission investment by far. 经济学上的纯粹的边际成本定价方法尽管可以提供有用的经济学信息,但是输电网的规模经济效益却使得依赖边际成本定价的输电收入远远不能满足输电投资成本的收支平衡。
Based on the theory of marginal cost pricing, research is made on the tariff of passenger transport in the high peak, and applied those research result into the tariff of passenger transport in the high peak of Sichuan province. 以边际成本定价理论为依据,对公路旅客运输高峰期运价进行研究,并将研究成果应用到四川省公路旅客运输高峰期运价制定实际中。
So implementing the marginal cost pricing strategy and redistribution the revenue, can get the internal targets coincidence and improve the total profit of the firm. 因此通过边际成本转移定价与收益分配机制的配套运用,不仅有利于集团内部各子企业的目标协调一致,也有利于集团整体利润的提高,从而达到了双赢的目的。
Finally a marginal cost based pricing model for transmission is put forward, besides, the loss and congestion of network are taken into account. 接着,论文给出了一种综合考虑输电网络固定成本、线路网损费和阻塞费用的输电定价模型和算例,并分析了阻塞费用对输电费用的影响。
First, I have discovered that if the marginal cost is comparatively high, ISP and public institutions can only choose time-sensitive pricing pattern; 发现,如果边际成本相比于上网者的支付意愿来说较高,则ISP和非营利机构都只有选择计时收费模式;
Application of marginal cost method to transmission pricing 边际成本法在输电定价中的应用
Using mechanism design theory and marginal cost pricing theory, an incentive compatible bidding mechanism is introduced for power generation competition in electricity markets. 基于机制设计理论和边际成本定价理论,发展了一种具有激励相容特性的发电市场竞价机制。
Grid Embedded Marginal cost Transmission Pricing ( GEMP) in Power Market 在电力市场环境下网嵌入的边际成本输电定价新方法
Research on marginal cost and average cost pricing theories in spot power transactions 实时电力交易中平均成本和边际成本定价理论研究
Cost recovery under marginal-cost pricing 边际成本定价下的成本补偿
A method for formulating wastewater user charges called Two-part Marginal Cost Pricing of the Whole Water Using Process ( TMC) has been studied in accordance with the current situation of China. 针对我国水污染的使用者收费现状,提出了既满足经济效率原则又满足完全成本回收原则,并且将水费和水污染费统一考虑的全过程边际成本两部收费方法&TMC方法。
On the basis of short-term marginal cost method a novel pricing model for reactive power is proposed in which the static voltage stability of the system, the demand of regional reactive power reserve and the investment recovery of investment for reactive power are considered. 文章在短期边际成本方法的基础上,提出了一种考虑系统的静态电压稳定性、区域无功备用要求和无功电源投资回收的新的无功实时电价模型。
The analyses focus on the trait of average cost pricing, the concret approach and calculation formula of marginal opportunity cost pricing, and the simplified calculation methods of shadow price as well. 重点研究了再生水平均成本定价法的特点,再生水边际机会成本定价法的具体步骤及计算公式,以及再生水影子价格的简化计算方法。
The cost structure of information goods and service is high fixed cost and low marginal cost. This feature makes the pricing strategies of information goods and service worth be studied. 信息产品/服务的高固定成本低边际成本的特征给信息产品/服务的定价提出了挑战。
Marginal opportunity cost of the reclaimed wastewater resource pricing 再生水资源边际机会成本定价
Two traditional pricing methods, the marginal pricing method and the embedded cost pricing method are introduced. Price based on Postage Stamp Method and capacity use of the transmission network is proposed. 首先对输配电定价的2种主要方法,即边际成本方法和综合成本方法作了简要论述与分析,在此基础上提出了一种基于邮票法和针对输配电网使用程度的输配电服务定价方法。
This paper also discusses specially a two-part pricing mechanism based on the long-term marginal cost principle. The detailed design method for the pricing system is provided. 其中详细探讨了一种基于长期边际成本原理设计的两部制电价结构体系,给出了这一价格体系设计的具体方法和过程。
Marginal opportunity cost method for hydropower rights transfer pricing of water projects on the west route of South to North 南水北调西线水电权转让定价的边际机会成本方法
For charity service organizations due to the presence of fixed costs, management fees and other common costs. In accordance with marginal cost pricing they may suffer losses, thus charity service institutions should take these cost factors into consideration. 公益服务机构由于存在固定成本、管理费用等共同成本,按照边际成本定价容易出现亏损,因此公益服务机构的价格决策应当考虑共同成本因素。
Information goods are experienced goods with low marginal cost and the core element of their pricing is customers 'judgment of product value. 信息产品是边际成本极低的经验品,其定价核心依据是客户的价值判断。
Network information products and traditional products have different features, especially online information products with high fixed costs, marginal costs near zero cost structure is the root causes of the different pricing behavior of the network information products and traditional products. 网络信息产品具有与传统产品不同的特征,尤其是网络信息产品具有固定成本高,边际成本近似为零的特殊成本结构是网络信息产品定价行为与传统产品定价行为不同的根本原因。
Because information products have high fixed costs, low marginal cost characteristics, the pricing theory for the ordinary products become invalid in information products. 由于信息产品具有固定成本高,边际成本低的特性,在普通产品中适用的定价理论在信息产品的定价中造成了无效的局面。
However, as there are low marginal cost and complex cost structure of telecom information goods, traditional pricing methods which based on cost or oriented by competition will be inapplicable to data business such as wireless broadband network. 由于电信信息产品具有低廉的边际成本和复杂的成本结构,使得传统的以成本为基础、竞争为导向的定价策略不再适用于数据业务的定价。
As the bit products with new features, some of the traditional economic laws obsolete. Performance in the field of pricing: the marginal cost pricing method becomes invalid. 由于比特产品具有新特性,一些传统的经济学规律变得不再适用,在定价领域表现为:边际成本定价等方法的失效,即比特产品出现定价怪象&部分产品价格大大高出了其成本。